Your Story
We've loved every minute of our interaction and engagement with you.

An Idea is Born
You deserve to earn income for it. This platform allows you to market as many videos as you'd like, making it perfect for displaying a timeline, or narrating a business process. Click the green + button at the bottom to register.
Aiming to Empower Individuals and Organizations
The Powerhouse Ent Inc is a company that serves people from diverse backgrounds. Learn how its multi-talented producer Julia L. Gham makes waves in and around Chicago, Illinois for her life-changing shows. She can promote your product or event during her shows and give you a $20 discount after you ask her to do two promotions.
Book an Artist or a Show/Interview

The Powerhouse Entertainment is here with an amazing concept to conquer the world one story at a time. We live in the 21st century and earth seems to be getting its entire resource portfolio depleted, all but one, INSPIRATION. We are here to remind hearts and souls that have lost hope to wake up everyday and just keep on keeping on simply by having them as guests on our show, where they can share with the world defining stories about their lives so far. We get our guests to tell us their story in 5 minutes then we upload and monetize on our various platforms that have thousands of followers, AmazonfireTV, AppleTv etc. Returns are broken down 40 /40 between the program and the individual and the remaining 20% goes to the Powerhouse for maintaining equipment, organisation etc.
1 - BECOME A MEMBER : To become a member you register by getting a powerhouse T-shirt at 20$ and your story is aired and you get returns after the monetarization starts yielding. Basic right?
2 - REGULAR GUEST : No registration needed here. You just get on the platform and get an amazing opportunity to share your story with the world.
We air on Amazonfire TV/Prime, YouTube, AppleTV, AndroidTV, Hulu, Smart TV, Tizen not forgetting all the social media platforms from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit to LinkedIN etc. We are here to help you invest in telling your story, so why wait? join us let's talk!
We offer our guests a 5minute interview on NabstarTV airing every day, an opportunity to tell their story to their immediate local audience live on TV.
Registration here is 40$.