We Listen. We Execute. We Resolve.
Live at WGHC 98.3 FM
Listen to Julia L. Gham of The Powerhouse Ent Inc with Co Hosts Treize Quartorze and Royal Black Jesus in Chicago, Illinois as they discuss pertinent social issues and various career dilemmas. As the talk show host and producer of #JuliaGham360, Julia helps address a cross-section of problems plaguing individuals, groups, or organizations. Additionally, she examines issues that hinder people from having better lives and/or careers.
Book a resolve on Solutions at WGHC 98.3 FM Chicago for a productive discussion. With Julia, you will also be able to promote to a greater global audience live and participate in the largest African community network. Just ask Julia and be connected to whoever you long to meet.
You can watch the live feed on @julia.gham360. Talk to Julia during the daily radio show by calling 773-942-7167.
Letters to Julia
#JuliaGham360 brings together a network of professionals who respond to #letterstoJulia. It grants everyone an opportunity to learn the most ideal plans of action for personal or social crises. Its ultimate goal is to create a diverse community where people listen and support one another.
Write #letters to Julia for best results. You can send your letters to letters@juliagham360.net. or Julia@solutionstalkorbit.com
Discuss Ideas
#JuliaGham360 also aims to become a platform where people can “come to the dinner table and discuss ideas.” It allows people to aid one another in orchestrating goals for the youth and the misplaced.
For more information, tune in live to WGHC radio FM 98.3 and learn how Julia can bring clarity to your life.
Julia’s Orbit
- Dining With Julia Dr. King
- Read a Letter on Issue?
- Music Promo
- Ideas for an African Cultural Center
- Inspire or Gift a Talent
- Ask Julia?
- Grassroot Concepts
- Voice of Cameroonians Abroad (VOCA)
- Meet a Specialist
- Dine on Demand
- Be a Guest
- Fix an Issue
- Film Industry
- Donate to Support Julia
- Secret Tip!